Let’s Get This Over With

As any teacher will tell you, by the fourth week of school you are barely out of Summer mode. By October it feels more like a proper school year and by November you are already counting down to Christmas break.

At this point, I am just waiting for November 8th to arrive and mercifully turn into November 9th.

When I put this blog on the back burner at the beginning of June, I was firmly convinced that Donald Trump was going to lose the election in a landslide to Hillary Clinton. Now, three months later I am still convinced that Donald Trump is going to lose to Hillary Clinton but perhaps not in such a grand fashion as I had once predicted. I would love to explain this change in numbers by relating multiple stories from the Summer where the Donald didn’t look like an unhinged egomaniacal man-baby with bad hair and tiny fingers. The best I can conjure up and much to the chagrin of his army of zombie frog-boys is his psudeoadoption of the Gang of 8 bill which was what his droves of followers used as a rallying cry to bury Marco Rubio. Now it is essentially his immigration policy. Sorry, Trumpkins. You might end up with neighbors with an accent after all.

Which I think is funny.

The saddest part of this whole fiasco is that DJT’s chances are not rising because he has learned how to be a modulated, informed, serious candidate. They are rising because his opponent is a pathological liar who is essentially a walking cadaver. Anyone other than the doofus with the bad comb over could eviscerate her in the general. But alas, individual responsibility, Constitutionality, small government and tax reform are not nearly as popular on the right at the moment as wearing red hats and standing with other people who are as equally afraid of brown people as they are. Sad!

At this point; all of this crap needs to end. It needs to be November 9th. I need to have a hangover so bad that only a 14 pound bacon, egg and cheese can cure and I need this nightmare of a campaign season to be over. That way I can concentrate on the things that really matter. My career, my upcoming wedding, my advanced degree, family, friends… things that don’t depress me.

I figure I have at least 4 years of watching the demon in the pantsuit slowly hand over all of the country’s money to special interest groups to depress and disappoint met. I deserve a break for now.

Let’s Get This Over With

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